Gift-giving is an expression of grace
Coming from hearts where yet is a trace
Of fallen humanity, sin, and depravity
A longing, a passion, a quest for eternity
We give ‘cause we’re made in the image of God
But a path of rebellion we all have trod
Yet within persists a feint recollection
Of being created in joyful perfection
A small bit of grace implies there is more
If sinners give, what does God have in store?
His well is deep; His heart overflows
He’s full of grace; He wants us to know
His giving rises to the highest height
A look at the cross will capture your sight
Of the Son of God hung in your place
Giving Himself, your gift of grace
You still have God’s gift of expressing His love for us…we are blessed….Merry Christmas Pastor Davis!! And to your family..